January - July 2021 Social Media Posts

Sunday, March 27, 2022

January 1, 2021

We celebrated big in a lot of small ways today. The coolest part was taking time to write out what we were grateful for and things we actually got to do in 2020. We were surprised to find just how much good there was in the midst of so much heartache and loss. (I will never get over how kind God is and how much He loves us.) I pray for a healthy and happy 2021 for us all! Happy New Year!

January 19, 2021

I’ve been hesitant to post much lately because I think the last thing anyone needs these days is more opinion pieces.
But I just can’t stop wondering…now what?
We’ve prayed, we’ve researched, we’ve tried to better educate ourselves, we’ve prayed, we’ve made a plan and voted (and then made another plan and voted again), we’ve prayed, we’ve talked about difficult things (and have hopefully been good listeners, too), we’ve had hard conversations with our kids, and we’ve prayed. (At least, hopefully all of that has taken/is taking place. If not, you could probably just stop reading and start there.)
But now what? Where do those of us that are Christ-followers go from here? Well, in my humble opinion (I think it’s possible to still have those?!), it’s time to get to work.
There were so many MLK quotes posted yesterday, which was awesome. But Dr. King was not just a great speaker. He took action. As did Jesus, for that matter. He engaged in a lot of vital conversations and delivered many a perfect sermon, but He also served. He washed feet, He healed, He fed…He loved people in tangible ways.
I think we tend to overestimate the effectiveness we have on social media and underestimate what we could be doing for others in our actual circles. If you can balance both well, that’s great. But with limited time and energy (hello AGAIN, digital learning), I want to be sure I’m prioritizing real life.
Feel similarly but not sure where to start? Take flowers or a meal to a neighbor. Email or call your school board or senator. Donate time or money to a worthy charity. Offer childcare/digital learning help to a single parent. Call the co-op, ask what they’re short on, and then buy and deliver it. Write a thank you note to a healthcare worker. Drop off a coffee to your child's teacher. If you want more suggestions, I’ve included 25 ideas from last year’s Act of Kindness Day in the comments, plenty of which can be done from a safe distance. (And I see you, tired Mama. I'm talking one thing per week.)
Regardless of what happens in the coming months with Covid or what happens tomorrow in Washington (Lord, be near), what you actually have control over, at least to a much greater degree, is what happens TODAY on YOUR street…in your home, in your neighborhood, in your child's school, in your workplace, in your church, in your community. How are you going to effect change in those places?
I don't want to spend my time wringing my hands or shouting my stance. I'd much rather make it my aim to glorify God by loving on and serving others. I don't have it all figured out and I know my good intentions sometimes (often) fall short. But I'm determined to keep trying. I hope you'll consider joining me.
“Get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet and work.”

February 12, 2021

After enduring division over national and then state elections, it hit even closer to home as our neighborhood and now our school board have become hotbeds of politics, drama, and disunity.
I was talking to a teacher the other day who shared how discouraged she is. She confessed how overwhelmed she feels with all of the darkness and evil out there. She’s endured a horrific year and I can’t fathom the toll it’s taken. And she’s not wrong...there is an awful lot of darkness and evil out there.
But I tried to encourage her and am passing it on: the world needs your light. We need Christ followers to keep loving “everybody, always” as Bob Goff says. Your role is important and you can make a difference.
I promise you it’s so much better and more helpful than wringing your hands or sowing seeds of dissension.
Keep. Showing. Up. Y’all.
This devotion offers great reasoning on the importance:
“Good works aren’t our ticket to heaven...they are our marching orders here on earth.”

March 2, 2021

Incredibly grateful that Project Linus got to continue this year. I’m a big believer in the importance of hands-on service opportunities for kids, and this one has become such a sweet tradition. Thank you to the volunteers that helped and the families that participated! Your efforts will bring comfort and smiles to so many right here in our community!

March 5, 2021
Reflections reception at NGMS this morning. Her writing placed at the school and county level for the third year in a row. I couldn’t be prouder of this girl for how she’s handling her first year of middle school with such grit and grace.

March 12, 2021

Yurt camping and hiking in Cloudland Canyon. Perfect weather, beautiful nature, wonderful time (but dead legs ).

March 20, 2021:

Reflections awards ceremony via Zoom. Just found out she won first place in state for her literature piece and is going to national!

April 14, 2021:

These sweet kiddos spent their afternoon decorating flower pots and planting flowers for 150 Villagers at Annandale Village. We got to hear from their amazing Community Development Director about what Annandale does and some of the different disabilities they see there. She also talked through appropriate, kind ways to interact with individuals who have disabilities. (Hint: Golden Rule.)
My heart is so full tonight. I have missed these babies something fierce this year (many of whom I helped as they were learning to write in kindergarten, so they'll always be babies to me.) I have missed teaching them about being servant leaders and that giving back can be fun. I have missed the community that is our amazing school and the kind of friendship deepening that only happens over car rider lane stress (amiright, ladies?!) I love my "job" and am incredibly grateful to get to do what I do.
My feet are so tired, but my heart is so full.

April 19, 2021

If you need me, I will be in the bed crying while researching retirement home communities and cranking up The Jeopardy. Dang, TIME FLIES. Where did my babies go?!?!

May 8, 2021

I could not be more proud of this team and these coaches. After a slow start to the season, they came back to win 9 IN A ROW and take first place in the championship today. To see the way they grew as individuals and as a team was so cool. To watch the coaches teach them both sports skills and life lessons with encouraging, positive attitudes was the best. It’s been an awesome season and I’m grateful we got to have a front row (bleacher) seat for it!

May 13, 2021

Audrey’s spring chorus performance tonight. As she stood up in front of everyone and sang a duet, my mind flashed back to her Pre-K Christmas program when she was so terrified she could barely stand on stage and mouth the words. Proof yet again that she can do anything she sets her mind to and seeks God’s help with. You’ve come a long way, Sugar, and we couldn’t be more proud!

May 27, 2021

We have had the best time celebrating David's 40th birthday for the past week. We kicked it off with a weekend getaway to Charleston with friends (where he got to go to the PGA Championship!) and wrapped up with a family party yesterday...with a whole lot of golf and food in between.
I am so grateful for this guy and the 21 years that we’ve been a couple. As I said yesterday in a toast that he undoubtedly hated sitting through, a LOT has changed in that time...but a lot has remained the same. He still loves the Lord and exemplifies His grace to me more than anyone I’ve ever met. He is still an amazing husband and father. He still never rushes or hurries – which is 50% endearing and 50% infuriating. He is still a brilliant engineer who works so hard for us. He still makes me laugh. He still supports my dreams, be it the Timber Trek or wallpapering the dining room. He is still the same in all the ways that God uniquely wired him and still tuned in and obedient to the areas where He’s calling him to more. And in it all, he’s still my absolute favorite.
Happy 40th, Babe. May the next 40 bring more of God’s goodness, more opportunities for us to shine His light, and more adventures together.

*Trips to NSB & CA hopefully covered in photo albums!