Update on 2015 Resolutions

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I skipped my third quarter review, but wanted to do a year-end recap of my 2015 resolutions.  I know we're not quite to the end of the year yet, but to be honest, there's not going to be a lot of progress on these in the next nine days. 

To refresh your memory, my resolutions were:

1.  Get in shape
2.  Read more.  (I set a goal of 10 books)
3.  Implement the monthly virtue lessons in a book titled "In This House, We Will Giggle" to help teach the kids important things we want to pass on but in a purposeful, fun way.

Goal #1:  Eh.  Yes, I did.  And then I didn't.  And then I did.  And now I'm not.  Just like it dawned on me a month or so ago that I will never, ever be fully caught up at my house, I am also slowly realizing that I will always be wavering between a 5-10 lb weight loss or gain (let's hope it's never more.)  I'll lose it, keep it off for a month or two, then slowly gain it back.  It's a vicious cycle.  BUT, it's one that I'm coming to terms with.  Do I feel better when I'm on the low end?  Of course.  But I'm slowly (and I do mean s-l-o-w-l-y) doing better at not letting it consume me.  Two things that really helped that realization were my 12 lb weight loss in the spring that no one noticed (it was a good thing...really.)  The other was being at my (annual-ish) physical and talking to my doctor about it.  In a very non-flirtatious, serious way, he said "Heather, 90% of the women that I see here would kill to have your body."  I knew he meant both the physicality and the healthiness.  God knew I needed to hear that.  It is not in perfect shape, but it's all I have, and it serves me well.  I need to take care of it to make sure it lasts, but also quit obsessing so much about how it looks in jeans.  It's a constant struggle, but it is getting a little easier the older I get.  Which is good, because I'm also realizing that it's much harder to get the weight off the older I get!

Goal #2:  I read 27 books this year!  I am so happy about that.  In no particular order, they were:

Nobody's Cuter than You - Melanie Shankle
Momumental - Jennifer Grant
Ketchup is a Vegetable - Robin O'Bryan
The Happiness Project - Gretchen Ruben
Happier at Home - Gretchen Ruben
Better Than Before - Gretchen Ruben
Rules of Civility - Amor Towels
All the Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr
Home is Where My People Are - Sophie Hudson
A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet - Sophie Hudson
Sparkly Green Earrings - Melanie Shankle
Best Yes - Lysa Terkeurst
Interrupted - Jen Hatmaker
For the Love - Jen Hatmaker 
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green
Why Not Me? - Mindy Kaling
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? - Mindy Kaling
Does This Beach Make My Butt Look Fat - Lisa Scottoline and Francesca Serritella
Have a Nice Guilt Trip - Lisa Scottoline
The Island - Elin Hildebrand
The Blue Bistro - Elin Hildebrand
Winter Street - Elin Hildebrand
Winter Stroll - Elin Hildebrand
In the Unlikely Event - Judy Blume
Dad is Fat - Jim Gaffigan
Bossypants (reread) - Tina Fey
Bird by Bird - Ann Lamont

I recommend any of the Gretchen Ruben, Jen Hatmaker, Sophie Hudson, Lysa Terkeurst, or Melanie Shankle ones for non-fiction.  All the Light We Cannot See still ranks at the top of my fiction list, but it very long and not an easy "beach read", so be warned.  

Goal #3:  I dropped the ball on this one more than a few times.  BUT, as I said in a previous recap, I feel that doing some of them some of the time was better than never doing any.  I put the virtue/verses cards up and we discussed them every so often.  Joy, perseverance, service, and humility were probably the months we focused on the most.  I plan on making this a reoccurring resolution for my 2016 list, so we'll give it another go.  

So that's it.  I accomplished and regressed on the first goal several times, nailed the second goal, and did so-so on the third.  All in all, I feel good about the list.  I'm already excitedly thinking about my 2016 resolutions.  I hope you have a goal or two in mind that you're going to aim for in the new year.  Until then, enjoy those Christmas cookies! ;)

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