Flu Follow-Up

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Well folks, we're wrapping up the second full week of illness in the Sinyard household.  And I hate to be Debbie Downer over here, but we are STILL not well yet.  I ended up going to the doctor last Wednesday and getting a higher dose of steroids for my bronchitis and laryngitis. He also put me on three days of antibiotics for what he believes is an upper respiratory infection.  

Because I just loooooved the office visit so much, I took Luke back with me that evening after David got home from work.  He'd been complaining of ear pain for a couple of days and I was worried it was infected.  Sure enough it was and we headed back to the pharmacy for yet another prescription.  I am very, very thankful for good insurance because these office visits and copays would be killing us otherwise.  I do think the pharmacist is starting to suspect something though.  Listen, Linda, I'm not selling this codeine cough syrup on the street. Unless of course you think I could trade it for something more powerful and effective. In which case, let me get some business cards printed up.  

Sigh.  I hate this.  I am so over it.  I haven't had more than five consecutive hours of sleep in two weeks.  I haven't been able to do more than whisper in a week.  And do you have any idea how hard it is not to talk when you're a mom?!  Sure I feel like I only say ten things over and over and over again, but that's still a lot of talking.  The kids keep telling me they miss my voice.  :(

Okay.  Gripe fest over.  Just PLEASE keep praying.  We desperately need healing!  (And when we finally do get back to 100%, if you come at me coughing and sneezing, I will cut you.)

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