David left for a business trip to Israel on January 30th and returned yesterday. The 18 days, 2 hours, and 33 minutes he was gone weren't exactly easy. Not that the time he's away ever is. This trip, however, was especially rough for several reasons.
First, despite my best germaphobic tenancies, we got sick. Audrey came down with it last Tuesday and I followed a day behind her. Nothing too serious - low grade fever, congestion, sore throat - but certainly enough to make it tougher on me. Solo-parenting is difficult on your best day, so when you're feeling less than 100%, it's near impossible.
Then, smack in the middle of having The Crud, I found out his homecoming was delayed. Instead of returning on Saturday the 13th, he wasn't going to be home until Wednesday the 17th. Let's just say the two days that followed that news were rough. Knowing he was going to miss Valentine's Day (Audrey's first and the first one we've been apart for in 10 years) plus all of the gorgeous snow made me angry and disappointed. In fact, I discussed it at length with God. Though He didn't change the date, He did improve my attitude and patience, which helped.
Finally, five out of the nine play dates/visits I had scheduled while he was away fell through. Some because we were sick, others because they were sick, a couple because of work or weather. Whatever the reasons, it was a serious let down. When he's gone, I try to pack the calendar full so that the time passes by more quickly and I don't get so lonely.
But, looking on the bright side, I did get a lot of projects done. I cleaned out and organized mine and Audrey's closets and packed away clothes that no longer fit us (and yes, fortunately mine were due to being too big, and hers were due to being too small)! I also straightened our bonus room closet and stored some baby gear she no longer uses. I did get a little vegging in and read two books and watched two Audrey Hepburn movies (Breakfast at Tiffany's and Roman Holiday.) I also got a lot accomplished in planning my niece's first birthday party. So, even though many of my social plans fell through, I certainly wasn't bored!
And now for my Thankful Thursday list. This week's theme will be things that I'll be grateful for over the next few days while David is off of work. You'll notice it's a bit longer than usual:
1. The ability to take a shower without having to sing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" or the ABCs over and over again to keep Audrey occupied.
2. Someone else to change those gosh-awful solid-food diapers.
3. Having time to chew my food.
4. Not having to take out the trash.
5. Watching all those shows stacked up on our DVR that I couldn't watch without him.
6. Freedom to go to the bathroom without having to schedule it around nap time.
7. Freedom to put on make-up/fix my hair without having to schedule it around nap time.
8. Freedom to work out, check email, call a friend, get on the internet, blink, sit down, or think a thought without having to schedule it around nap time.
9. Not going into hysterics when nap time only lasts 30 minutes.
10. And of course, above all, spending time together as a family. Praise God for bringing him back to us safely!!!
Have a great weekend. I know we will!
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