Last night I had one of those moments where the tears come out of nowhere and you're powerless to get yourself under control. Your heart sinks and you feel overwhelmed and frustrated and tired. What brought on this sudden discouraged outpouring, you ask?
You ready?
...A full laundry hamper.
Now you either just completely checked out because you cannot identify or you began nodding frantically in agreement. For the latter group, read on. (For the former group, call someone you know in the latter group and offer to do something for them.)
It was just one of those moments of "AGAIN?!", ya know?
How is it possible this laundry hamper is full AGAIN?
Are we really out of apple juice AGAIN?
Could Luke's ear be infected AGAIN?
Is it time to figure out dinner AGAIN?
Did Luke just hit his sister AGAIN?
Why is the check engine light on AGAIN?
Is Audrey really losing her mind about something so ridiculous AGAIN?
Am I going to have to change wet crib sheets AGAIN?
Is it really time to pay this bill/buy that one shoes/give that one a haircut/scrub this toilet/pack that one's lunch/run this errand/send this email/deal with this person's drama AGAIN?
Our sermon on Sunday was about not defining success as up and to the right (think accounting gain or a growth chart) but as not going to the left or the right. It was about staying on the path in between guard rails. It was a good message and I really did understand it, but personally I just want to know where I can pull off and take a nap. Success in this current season of parenthood is measured by everyone making it to bedtime alive.
Oh fellow tired Mommas and Daddies, tell me you get this! This "Mundane Lane" stage of life is so, well...mundane. And exhausting. How do we survive The Blur?
I don't know that I have a great answer for that, but I do have a suggestion: Switch to the positive "agains." For example, as I rocked Luke to sleep last night and he nuzzled his head against my neck, I thought "Ahhhhh"...again.
Before I fell asleep, I heard my husband say "I love you" again.
Audrey made me laugh out loud with her great sense of humor again.
God gave us a surprise financial blessing again.
An encouraging friend sent a sweet text at just the right moment again.
I enjoyed my favorite kind of chocolate chip cookie again.
Luke did something adorable again.
My bed is warm and comfortable again.
The kids played well together for five whole minutes again.
Audrey's sweet, innocent prayer made me smile again.
The sunset sky is gorgeous again.
My hardworking husband brought home a paycheck again.
I heard one of my favorite songs on the radio again.
There are some days I don't want to get up and do it all over again, but I will because that's my calling and my job. I know for sure that the days I focus on the positive "agains" go a lot more smoothly than the days I don't.
I'm not a fan of the "treasure every second, because it all goes so fast" advice. There are many monotonous moments I don't want to experience again, but I know I will. Probably over and over and over. But in each day, there are also a few fleeting ones that I would love to repeat. So I try to slow down and savor at least one of those sweet times, because I do realize that those are the ones that years from now I'll be desperate to have back again.
Yep, I needed to read this today. It's been a rough week as a parent and business owner. Thanks for the positive reminders!