1. My oldest brother, Brian, who turns...well, older...tomorrow. Love you and thankful for you, B!
2. Outdoor playground time. We got to get out a little while on Monday and play at one of our nearby parks. It seems a distance memory considering the low today was 15, but we soaked it up while we could.
3. "Right now" moments. Today the kids and I ate lunch at Subway. Luke really wanted to sit with us in the booth instead of his usual highchair spot. Audrey wanted me to sit with her. So, naturally, we all sat on the same side of the booth. I asked Audrey if she thought we'd always be able to squeeze in together like that. "I don't know. Maybe not. But we can right now." Wise words that made me grateful for that "right now" and many others that won't always be possible.
4. Toddler time at the library. Because of my Bible Study schedule I haven't taken Luke to a toddler/story time more than once or twice. We went this week and he really enjoyed it. He didn't participate much, but I think he will once he goes more often. He did show a lot of independence when it came time to get his "activity toy" (a lettered beanbag) and hand stamped. He made his way through the crowd up to the front and back to me without hesitating. Oh my big boy. Slow down!
5. That I have 1/4 of the amount of stuff to consign than I've had the last two big sales. Since I'm only doing the kids' previous season of clothes plus toys that don't get played with, it's going much faster than usual. I'm also doing maternity this go-round, but it's still not as all-consuming as it typically is. I'll miss the bigger check, but having a life the month before drop-off is nice too.
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