1. A new phone! After my three year old Motorola Razor died, I decided to upgrade to something a bit more modern. And, because I feel that if you're going to do something you should do it right, I went with an iPhone. It's nice to be a part of 2010.
2. Entertaining. Today my house was full of women and infants/toddlers and I couldn't have been happier. I love to play hostess, though I don't get to do it as often as I would like.
3. Warnings and second chances. I may or may not have been pulled over for speeding yesterday. Let's just say I was. Then let's just say I'm thankful for a certain police officer who decided to let me off with a warning. (And no, I didn't cry, beg, or lie. He was just that nice.) Hypothetically speaking, of course.
4. New brakes. I'm not thankful for the amount of money we had to shell out for the work, but I am grateful for the job they'll do. Especially given #3 above.
5. Nose prints on the glass. Last night David was cutting the grass and Audrey was mesmerized watching him out the window. She would wave and squeal every time he passed. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and realized he had moved on to the backyard but she had been patiently waiting at the front for him to come back. For about 5 minutes. Melt my heart. I moved her to the back door to continue watching. She loved it.
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