March Recap

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I cannot believe March is over already!  We started the month with multiple bilirubin tests, David going back to work, my brother and his family coming up from Savannah to meet Luke, a weight check, and Luke's first primary election day...and all of that was before his original due date of the 10th!  The month also held a lot of firsts and "reentries" into the world for us:  more introductions of Luke, our first date sans kiddos, starting back to Bible Study, his first pumped bottle, and Audrey's first night at her grandparents' since Luke was born.  

Luke is doing so-so on his new reflux med.  He was spitting up less than before for a few days, but then had a rough day yesterday.  Today seems to be a bit better so far, but all of this leads me to believe perhaps it's not reflux after all.  Who knows - just keep praying for guidance for us and relief for him.

He's on a pretty predictable eating schedule during the day - 7:30am, 9:45am, 12:45pm, 3:15pm, 6:00pm, 8:30pm - and then as needed at night, which is still three feedings usually around 12:00ish, 2:30ish, and 5:00ish.  I'm really hoping he drops one soon.  I would love four consecutive hours of sleep, but I know it'll come eventually.  He is gaining weight like a beast (11 lbs 12 oz at his one month check-up, surpassing what Audrey was at her TWO month check up) so I'm hoping those rolls I'm seeing will be sufficient to carry him through before too much longer.

He is s-l-o-w-l-y spending more time each day awake.  I swear he's the sleepiest baby I've ever met.  I've never seen a nearly six week old that sleeps as much as he does.  If I had to guess, I'd say he has his eyes shut about 16-17 hours a day?  Now some of that is spent crying and eating with closed eyes, but still!  He is getting less content to sleep on the go, however, which is a bummer.  He usually wakes up and cries at red lights and needs some sort of movement at all times to stay content.  

Audrey is still doing very well adjusting to her new brother.  Sometimes I worry that she takes on too much responsibility for him, even if she doesn't express it and just internalizes it.  David was getting ready to take her to the park and ran upstairs to get his shoes.  She very seriously told him she would "stay downstairs and keep an eye on the kids", meaning me and Luke.  Oh Lawd, child, be two!  I have to watch what burdens she takes on!

We haven't had any sleep or potty regression issues with her, just the occasional slip-ups we've been having here and there for months.  She still rarely initiates that she has to go, but will hold it until we take her with very few (maybe 3-4 slightly damp) accidents per week and no poop accidents in months.  I remember laughing inside when a friend told me it had taken her son a full year to get 100% potty trained.  Considering we started last July, it's not so funny anymore.

As for what she's into these days, her imagination is flourishing.  She loves to make up stories, hear made up stories, and TALK TALK TALK nonstop (this is nothing new, of course.)  Some of my favorite tales she tells include Jake and Claire, her imaginary brother and sister who sometimes turn into her grandson and granddaughter (?).  They have a red and green chair, love to dance, and often get rescued from precarious situations.  Thankfully she throws Luke in there as her brother every once in awhile too.  

She loves reading more than ever, if that was even possible.  We are reading much more and much longer books these days during Luke's nursing sessions.  Two of her favorite series are Berenstain Bears and Fancy Nancy.  (Okay, I admit it.  They're my favorite too.)  It amazes me how she can sit through such long stories and not have any problem paying attention.  I am cautious to preview the stories, though, because some of the plot lines are definitely written for older kids.  I'm not quite ready to address what a "Blooper" is (Berenstain Bears' term for a curse word) or explain what teasing and name calling are.

We have begun teaching her a little Spanish here and there.  She is soaking it up ridiculously fast and already knows about half of the Spanish alphabet.  I really need to work with her on scripture memory while her brain is such a sponge!  That and a million other things, but ya know, in my spare time...

Here are some good quotes and quips from this month:
  • There are very few words that Audrey mispronounces anymore, and it's a little sad.  We finally stopped calling pajamas "jomoms".  Now all we have left is penny-o (piano), crash can (trashcan), and burritio.  I'm leaving those alone as long as I can.
  • One morning's conversation with Audrey as I got her up:   
         AJ:"Where's that other kid?" 
         Me, thinking she was still half-dreaming about a friend: "What other kid?"
         AJ: "You know. The one that can't talk."
         Me: "You mean your brother Luke?" 
         AJ: "Yeah." 
         Me: "He's in Mommy and Daddy's room."
         AJ: "Oooookay. Let's go check on him."
  • (To balance out the above story) For the first two weeks Luke was home Audrey kept saying, "It's Luke!  I can't believe he's here!"  Now she coos at him, "Hey buddy!  Hey big boy!" and constantly says, "Isn't he soooo cute?"  If he's fussing, she's the first to pat his head and say, "You're alright!  It's okay, buddy."  So sweet.
  • AJ:  "Granddad is going to think I'm so beautiful!  I bet he'll say, 'Audrey, how are you just so fancy in that outfit?'"
  • A  transcript of a random and 90 mile per hour "conversation" (as if I could get a word in) on the way home the other day:  "See my boo-boo on my ankle Mommy?  I think I got it from the park the other day when I went with my friends.  'Member?  I fell in the chips?  That was fun to do the big girl swing there.  Or it could be a bug bite.  Maybe from an ant.  I suspect [yes, really] there are ants in the dirt under the chips at the park.  Do you know it's okay to touch some bugs, Mommy?  But other bugs are not very friendly so we shouldn't touch them.  Like bees and wasps.  They are nooooooot friendly, no sir.  Look!  I just saw a bee flutter by your window!  It was saying Bzzzz hello Mommy, Bzzzz hello Audrey, Bzzzz hello Luke!  Ha!"  Now imagine this every minute of every waking hour of every day.  Shew.
  • I say "Praise Jesus!" when something relieving happens.  As we were riding in the car, I pointed out that Luke wasn't crying.  From the back seat I hear a heartfelt "Praise Jesus!" from Audrey.  Amen, sister.
I can't even imagine how fast these next months are going to go by.  Pray we're able to soak up what's left of Luke's "tiny" newborn phase in the midst of it all.  We have holidays, celebrations, and weddings galore around the corner, so stay tuned for pictures and stories!

March pictures are in the gallery for your viewing pleasure!  Happy Spring, Y'all!

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