Thankful Thursday

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Forgive last week's absence.  Things are more than a little crazy in our world these days.  We did decide to put our house on the market and will be listing it the first week in May.  This has meant a lot of work and preparation.  Because we don't have a ton of wiggle room on the price, we're trying to do everything we can to make it marketable in other ways.  Per our realtor's suggestion, this has meant cleaning out closets and cabinets, taking down personal picture frames and knick-knacks, and doing a few handyman touch-up things.  Not huge deals if we didn't have a toddler and a newborn.  However, even small tasks take a ton of time and energy now!  Plus I'm co-hosting a bridal shower for 30 this weekend (not at my house, thankfully!).  Shew.  Like I said - crazy.

SO, pray that we get everything accomplished, that God brings a reasonable offer quickly with minimal interruption for showings, AND that our perfect dream house is available at the exact same time so we don't have to move into a rental (we're not even looking until we're under contract because the turnover is so high in the area/school districts we want).  I mean, really, could I BE more high-maintenance?  God's used to it though.  He's shocked and blessed me in way bigger ways than that, so I'm not worried about Him being up for the challenge.  :)

"Why do we let ourselves get overwhelmed by our circumstances? Because we anticipate the future with absolutely no recollection of God's faithfulness in the past."

That'll preach.

Here is this week's list:

1.  A great two month check up for Luke.  He weighed in at 13 lbs 11 oz - up two pounds from last month and is now in the 87% percentile.  He also gained an inch and is 23.5" long, which is the 67th percentile.  We decided to continue with the reflux medicine.  After letting the prescription run out over the weekend, thinking that it wasn't really helping much and we'd just discuss it at his next appointment, we discovered that it does indeed make a difference.  I'm glad to have that confirmation.  Everything else looked great, praise God, and he handled his first shots very well.  He even got some blue camo band-aids to make it all better.  I love having a boy!

AND, did I mention he has dropped a night feeding and is now down to two?! I put him down around 9pm, he wakes and eats around 1:30am and 4:30am, and then he starts his day at 7:30.  Not too shabby!

2.  My nephew Carson.  He turned four years old last week and we went to his birthday party this weekend.  I cannot believe he's four!  He'll slow down just long enough to let you squeeze him and then he's off again.  Love you, "Wild Man Carson" as Audrey deemed him.  I'm glad I got a few squeezes in this weekend!

3.  My brother, Kevin, whose birthday is Sunday.  It's so great to see what a fantastic job he's doing raising his two boys and providing for his family.  I'm so proud of both my brothers and the men they've become.  If we weren't family, I'd want to be their friends, and that's saying something.  Love you, Kevin!

4.  Simple things that toddlers find fascinating, like glow sticks in the bathtub.  Tonight, as a reward for such awesome behavior today, I  stole an idea from a friend and let Audrey play with a glow stick in the bathtub in the dark.  She LOVED it and thought it was the coolest thing ever.  I enjoyed her getting such a kick out of it and, frankly, thought it looked pretty cool too.  I just may get some for my next bath time.

5.  New clothes.  For the first time in at least four months, I bought myself some new tops today.  THREE, in fact.   And they were not maternity tops.  And one of them was a medium.  Yesssssss.

Enjoy your weekend!  I know we have a lot of busy, fun stuff, but we're looking forward to it!

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