It's been a busy week, and I can't believe it's already Thursday. I spent most of Monday in the kitchen cooking for a friend who just had a baby. I got to go visit with her and her brood of now three kids (I cannot even imagine) for a little while that afternoon, which was great. I have no idea where Tuesday went, but I vaguely recall packing up Halloween decorations, putting out Thanksgiving ones, and going to Target. Wednesday was more errands including the Post Office, grocery store, tailor (again), and doctor's office. Today was Bible Study, drug store, bank, and dry cleaners. I feel like I spent my week in the car...and I haven't even started driving AJ to practices or friends' houses yet!
Anyway, here is my list for the week:
1. My brother and sister-in-law's safety. They were in a car accident on Wednesday and no one was hurt, nor was my nephew in the car. It could have ended very differently and I'm so grateful God was watching out for them!
2. Audrey's good report at the orthopedist! The doctor said her feet will turn in on their own when they're good and ready. I asked if the fact that we let her sleep on her stomach was making it worse and she assured me that it wasn't. I also asked if it would delay her crawling or walking and she said no. In fact, she told us that AJ may start to walk earlier because of it (better balance, I guess!) Thank you, Lord!
3. Electric mixers...and everything else that makes my job as a stay-at-home mom and housewife easier. I made a pound cake on Monday (which I still contest was a little off, AP, so I'm going to make you another one sometime) and was thinking about how awful it would be to have to do all that mixing by hand!
4. The book "When Everything Changed" by Gail Collins. It's the history of American women from the 1960s to the present and it is fascinating. It makes me feel smart just having it on my nightstand. I haven't gotten very far, but I've read enough to appreciate just how much progress women have made and be glad that I have the choice to stay at home. I hope to write a little more about it once I'm done. It may take me a whole year to finish, but I'll get there!
5. Two hours alone. I was able to slip out tonight while David kept AJ (remember: it's not called babysitting when the dad keeps the kids. It's called parenting.) I went to Wolf Camera and then moseyed around Target for over an hour. It was UH-mazing. I had so much fun picking out Christmas presents for my niece and nephew, buying greeting cards that I actually took the time to read first, and even dawdled in the cleaning supply aisle. Awesome.
Halloween pictures are up in the Picasa Gallery. Have a great Friday & weekend!
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