Thankful Thursday

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Well, here it is. The last day of 2009. What a year. What a decade! 10 years ago I was at a party at a friend's house getting to know a cute guy named David (and was only slightly worried about Y2K.) Wow, how far God has brought us!

Over the past ten years, I dated and married that sweet guy. During this decade I have also graduated high school and college, worked several different jobs, and moved seven times. I have changed churches, dress sizes, vehicles, and my last name. I have traveled to Connecticut, California, Ecuador, Florida, Maryland, Alabama, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, US Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, New York City, Tennessee, Aruba, South Carolina, North Carolina, Colorado, and West Virginia. Oh yeah - and I had a baby.

As I think back to how much things have changed in our household this year alone, I'm overwhelmed. This has undoubtedly been one of the best, and one of the toughest, years of my life. Half of it was spent pregnant, the other half with a new baby. I started out the year employed and am ending it not making a dime and working harder and more hours than ever before. And I wouldn't change it for the world.

I have to admit that we probably won't ring in 2010 as extravagantly as we've done in the past. We've spent New Year's Eves in New York City, on the beach, in Colorado, and at big parties. Tonight, however, it will just be the three of us. We'll have a fire, eat dinner, give Audrey a bath together, and enjoy some leftover birthday cake. To tell the truth, I doubt David and I will even make it until midnight! But, this New Year's Eve, we'll spend it being content. The decade that began with two teenagers figuring each other out is ending with two adults and their sweet baby enjoying a wonderful life together. Thank you, Jesus!

Here is this week's list:

1. A good report and Audrey's 6 month check-up. She weighs 16 lbs 10 oz and is 26.25" long. We got the green light on starting fruits and veggies. We're going to wait another day to make sure she doesn't have any reactions to her shots (which, as usual, she handled like a trooper!)

2. A great birthday! David took the day off, which was by far the best part. The three of us went to lunch and briefly shopped before we came home and rested. Then I went out by myself to Wolf Camera and to get a massage (David's gift to me). When I got home, there were two birthday cards waiting for me on the table - one from AJ and one from David. I totally teared up when I read the one she "picked out" and saw her little hand print outline inside. So precious! We stayed in the rest of the evening, hung out, ate pizza, and caught up on our DVR. Perfection.

3. Publix cake. It is delectable.

4. Baby Orajel. AJ is crazy close to cutting her first teeth, and her crankiness proves it. (At least, I think that's what it is. It could be a growth spurt.)

5. Updated pics! It took forever because of computer problems, but I finally got caught up. Check out the gallery for Christmas 2009 and her Six Month Professional Pictures (done by our sweet friend Ally. Visit her website at I also updated the Perspective Shots Album and added a couple to her Six Month Album. Enjoy!

However you celebrate tonight, be safe and enjoy it!


Audrey's First Christmas

...and what a first Christmas it was! The festivities started on Wednesday, the 23rd, as we drove to David's grandparents' house in Alabama to celebrate with his mom's side of the family. She was an angel on the long ride over. (The ride back, not so much.) When we arrived, she ate, then we ate, then we took pictures, then she napped while we opened gifts. Once she was up and fed, we began the marathon session of opening her presents. She quickly got into it, and entertained everyone with her commentary of each gift. She "made out like a bandit" (that one's for you guys, B&K) and we are so appreciative of everyone's generosity. We loaded up our car to the brim with toys and leftovers and trekked home.

On Christmas Eve, we lounged some and cleaned some and lounged around some more. It was wonderful to stay in together and not have anywhere to be. David and I ate our traditional Christmas Eve meal of tacos and cheese dip (I don't know why, but we've done that since we got married.) We dressed Audrey in her new Christmas pajamas and read the story of Jesus' birth and The Night Before Christmas. Afterward, we let her open one present - an ornament of her own that we'll send with her when she is grown - and hung our stockings by the chimney with care. We set out cookies and milk for Santa and then tucked her in.

Christmas morning came early, as the cinnamon rolls and sausage balls weren't going to make themselves! David and I got ourselves dressed and cooked breakfast, then got Audrey up and fed. We took her downstairs, where Santa had set out a LeapFrog table, some books, and a small toy truck. She loved all of it, but was most excited about the big red bow on top (of course.) We played, opened her stocking, ate, and then put her down for her morning nap while David and I opened gifts. I gave him clues that led him on a treasure hunt for his present (a new lawnmower!) He got me a camera lens filter, a book, and some DVDs I wanted (more on those later.) It was perfect.

That afternoon, David's parents came over with a sleigh full of gifts. (But rest assured, they "did not go overboard this year." Wink, wink.) Audrey was fascinated by more ribbons and bows as she opened more toys. While she napped, Mommy and Daddy were less fascinated by the bows as we tore into our stash! We ate dinner and enjoyed being amused by Audrey's babble and expressions. The most hilarious part of the evening came when Audrey gave her own special present to her Granddad...and her pants...and the carpet..... What a memory that will be! We fell into bed that night, tired and feeling unbelievably blessed as our favorite Gift slept soundly in her crib.

On Saturday, we went to my brother's house and celebrated with my side of the family. With an 18 month old, a 9 month old, and a 6 month old, it was intense! It was hard to keep up with everyone - just as one got finished eating, another would start or one would go down for a nap when the other was just waking up. We had so much fun watching them all and tried to take lots of pictures. I know next year it will be even crazier once they're all mobile! As had been the trend that week, Audrey got way too many toys and loved every minute of it. It was wonderful being with everyone and it ended all too soon when we had to pack up and rush home in time to feed her and put her to bed.

Now you would think surely we were finished, right? Alas, we had one more celebration the next day. On Sunday we went up to David's parents house and celebrated with his Dad's side of the family. We had brunch, played cards, opened more gifts, ate more food, and looked on as everyone gushed over our Baby Girl. David and AJ even got in a mini jam session on the drums. It was a great day and we loved seeing family that we don't get to visit with that often.

Thus concludes Christmas Extravaganza 2009. It is wonderful to stretch it out and not have to be multiple places in one day, but it's also a lot of work to haul a baby (and her massive amounts of gear) around. We calculated that we spent about eight hours in the car during the three trips we made. Not bad compared to others' drives, but still a lot considering we barely left the state. I am so glad we established a "Not leaving the house on Christmas Day" rule!

It was definitely worth it, of course, and we are very grateful to all of our family for helping to make Audrey's first Christmas so special. The traditions we started and the memories we made will last us for many years to come. I hope you and your family had as wonderful of a holiday as we did!

Thankful Thursday and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Well, we made it. It's here. The shopping is finished, the gifts are wrapped, the house is clean, the cooking is (mostly) done. In less than 24 hours, it will be over for most of you. (For us, we have celebrations tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, so we get to stretch it out a bit longer.)

Did you spend the season the way you wanted? Did you soak up time with family and friends or were you dashing around frantically trying to get it all checked off the list right up until a few hours ago? Were you like me and wished it didn't go by so quickly or did you find yourself secretly hoping it would just hurry and get here so you could get it over with?

I'll be honest, this season wasn't quite as perfect as I was hoping it would be. David had to work way too much and way too hard and we weren't able to spend the time together that I would have liked. I didn't get all of my shopping finished and stuff done as early as I usually do, which was overwhelming and stressful.

But here's the thing: tonight, it doesn't matter. It's done. Somehow on the night before Christmas, everything else fades away and all is peaceful. We're together. And we're healthy and we're happy and we're home.

"Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth. This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And everyone was on his way to register for the census, each to his own city. Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, in order to register along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with child. While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.' And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.'"

A Savior. Born for ME. For that, and for the million other blessings that Savior has given me, I am thankful. I hope you can say the same tonight.

Merry Christmas!

Six Months

Monday, December 21, 2009

Yesterday was Audrey's six month birthday. If only someone would've told me how fast it goes by! ;) Sarcasm aside, it really is hard to believe how much she has grown and changed over the past six months. As I watched her sitting up in the floor grabbing toys from her Daddy, it was hard to believe how far we've come. Every day has been an adventure. Some good, some bad, but hardly a one of them dull.

Overall, I'd say things have been getting easier as time goes on. One of the biggest differences is that I find that I'm worrying less about her physical health (maybe because her fat rolls
speak for themselves). However, I am still just as conscious as ever about her overall well being. I drift off to sleep recounting the day's events and wondering if I did the best I could. Did I pray "with" her and for her? What did I do with her today that was educational? What did I do with her today that was fun and silly? Did I treat her with kindness? Did I treat myself and others with kindness in front of her? Did she see me scowling about my to-do list or did she notice me smiling as I went about the day's chores? Did I show love and respect to her Daddy? Was I patient? More often than not, I fail in some way or another. But, more often than not, I'm learning to focus on what I did do right and pray that God's grace will fill in the gaps where I fall short.

Most of the other lessons I've learned so far I've already written about in previous posts (Having momfidence in yourself, avoiding comparison parenting, and other random stuff) but there were a couple that I don't think I've shared yet that I wanted to pass along:

1. Let your husband do it his way. This really hasn't been as hard for me as I thought it would be. Maybe it's because by the end of the day, I don't have the energy to interfere. Perhaps because I've had a taste of going it alone during his business trips, I'm just so grateful for the help I don't want to discourage it! Whatever the reason, I've learned to step aside and let David handle Audrey without me hovering and instructing. It doesn't matter if I think I know a more efficient or productive way. That's not nearly as important as letting him get to know her and sharpening his skills as a Dad. As long as it's not a safety or health issue, I try to butt out. Besides, it teaches Audrey to experience things differently and be flexible.

2. Do what's best for your core family. This means conquering the fear of making others angry or disappointed. They'll get over it...or not. Sometimes they'll understand, sometimes they won't. Either way, we have a Little One to look after now. Sure, there are times when schedules need to be put aside and we stretch Audrey to her limits to accommodate others. But there are also times when we know what she can handle or certain things are important to us and we put our foot (feet?) down.

3. Stretch yourself...and the baby! I think that having a schedule and sticking to it is really important for Audrey. It gives her a solid routine and something to depend on, which I think she finds comforting and thrives under. However, I've discovered it's sometimes equally important to throw the routine and rules out the window for the sake of new experiences. In the past six months we've done this multiple times: Doing a 5K, attending a new Bible Study at a different church where I don't know every nursery worker, and taking a road trip to Savannah. Each has turned out better than expected, and we've made memories, gained confidence, and exposed AJ to exciting new things in the process.

I can only imagine how much more we will learn over the next few months and years. My prayer is that my mind and heart will remain open and teachable, and in the process, that God will mold me into a better person and mother.

Happy Birthday, AJ. We love you!

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Well, I was really hoping that this post would contain a lot of (polite) bragging about how I got everything finished and am ready for Christmas. I'm closer, but still not there yet. David and I seem to be burning the candle at both ends these days and would really like the chance to relax and enjoy the season with our sweet baby girl. Please pray that we get that opportunity soon and that we all stay well and healthy during the most wonderful (and stressful!) time of the year.

In an effort to slow down for a moment and remember just a few of the many things I have to be thankful for, here is this week's list:

1. My Dad. His birthday was yesterday and he came over on his lunch hour to visit with Audrey and me. I give full credit to him and my Mom for making me the fine specimen of a human I am today. And teaching me to be humble. Seriously, he was and is the best Dad a girl could ask for. From him I get my business sense, my humor, my love of music, and my driving skills. He has faithfully served God, his country, and his family and has made a lot of sacrifices in doing so...more than I'll probably ever know. Thank you & Happy Birthday, Dad!

2. David's work ethic and commitment. He has been busting his butt for the past...well, six years, but specifically, the last couple of weeks. Several times lately he has worked a full day and then had satellite passes very late at night. (When he tests his satellite systems and antennas, he has to time the tests for whenever the satellites will be passing over in outerspace. Crazy smart stuff.) A couple of nights, he hasn't crawled into bed until midnight only to get up again at 6:30 and go back to work. Lately he has had customers in town and satellite passes and just general chaos going on. And yet he has still managed to meet me for AJ's Santa's pictures, come home at lunch for a photo shoot, and keep Audrey so I could go on a few outings that were important to me. You're awesome, babe. We're thankful for your dedication to your job, but more importantly, your greater dedication to your girls.

3. Christmas cookies. Yum-o. I've made seven dozen this week alone. (Not to worry - I did give most of them away!)

4. Courteous sales people. I can't imagine working in retail this time of year. Given what kind of stress they're under, I sure do appreciate it when I get to deal with a non-jaded, polite employee. And if they say "Merry Christmas" on top of having good manners, they'd better watch out - they may just get a hug.

5. Advent calendars. This year Audrey is "helping" me open the little paper doors as we practice counting. It's a sweet moment in our day!

Have a great weekend!

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We've been busy around here this week! On Monday, I got Audrey all dolled up and took her to see Santa. David met us at the mall on his lunch break so he could witness this important first. There was only one person in line in front of us, but it still took longer than I expected. They let you choose three poses on their tiny computer screen, which is time consuming, and the lady working there was not all that computer savvy. We finally got Audrey settled on his lap and she didn't cry a bit. In fact, I had her smiling a great smile, looking right at the camera. I turned around and said "Did you get it?!" to which they replied "No. Our camera jammed." Seriously?! SO, by the time they got it rebooted, she was over the experience. We did get a couple more smiles, but they weren't looking straight ahead. Oh well. It's not like we were going to get an 11x20 of her and Santa for above the mantel.

That afternoon and Tuesday morning I got some Christmas shopping done. I cannot stand having this much to do so close to Christmas. Normally, I'd be 99.9% finished and have most of it wrapped. Instead, I'm stressing out about what to get those relatives who are impossible to shop for. (You know who you are.) I keep waiting for a grand epiphany, knowing that I'm just going to buy them that item I thought of in August. Next year, I'm going to save myself the trouble and settle early.

What's even worse than the last minute-ness is the cluelessness. I'm left to wander around big manly stores such as Bass Pro and track down salesmen who see dollar signs as I walk towards them. The conversation usually goes something like this:

Me: "Do you have a thing-a-majig for a whatchamacallit?"
Them (stifling a laugh): "A thing-a-majig? You mean a thing-a-maBOB?" "
Me (blushing and trying to figure out some way to work into the conversation that I have a college degree): "Right. a thing-a-mabob. That's what I said. I'll take two please."

Oh well. Hopefully the men will appreciate that part of their gift is my pride.

Later that afternoon, Audrey sat up on her own for ten minutes and played. That's right, we have a big girl sitter on our hands. She's been able to do a little bit unsupported without toppling over for a couple of weeks, but Tuesday was the official going-in-the-baby-book day.

On Wednesday, we had a sweet friend come over and take some photos of Audrey. I say "some." I had the poor baby change outfits four times and us twice. My friend was here for over an hour and a half. It was quite an ordeal. She may never offer to come back! David came home at lunch to jump in a few. I wanted some Christmas ones, but also some "regular" ones for her 6 month shots. I cannot wait to see the results!

This morning I got up to make a dish for David's company luncheon and drop it off hot. I know what you're thinking: I'm an amazing wife. Good thing you don't know that's the first time I've cooked all week. Unless you count making boxed mac and cheese and tossing a salad to go with a deli-made rotisserie chicken. In my defense, he has worked late every night this week so it's hard to plan dinner for those evenings.

After our drop-off, Audrey and I went to the mall AGAIN to grab a few more gifts. We got a lot accomplished. I now only have about 5-6 more things to buy. The problem is, I only know what 2-3 of them are!

Anyway, we'll get there. This time next week I'm sure I'll be happy to report how finished I am! Until then, here is this week's list:

1. Pretty Christmas dresses and the beautiful baby girl that goes in them. (And the husband that doesn't mind me buying those pretty Christmas dresses.) She hardly complained at all, though I know those tights cannot be comfortable!

2. Sweet, talented photographer friends. In addition to our friend Camille, who did my maternity shots, Audrey's newborn shots, and does our Christmas cards, our friend Ally is a wonderful photographer willing to endure our craziness for the sake of gaining some experience. Visit her website at and check back here soon to see more of her amazing work!

3. Consistent SLEEP. I've held off on this update just in case it was a fluke, but Audrey has been sleeping 11-12 hours straight through the night for the past two weeks or so. Out of nowhere, she did it four nights in a row. On the fifth night, she woke up twice, but by that point she had already proven to me she didn't need to eat to get through, so we settled her back down without feeding her and it's been blissful sleep ever since. Praise the Lord and pray it continues!

4. Alabama's Christmas CD. Yes, it's old and corny, but it's what I grew up listening to and I love it. How can you go wrong with a CD that has a song about a Christmas bear (named Thistlehair, no less!) Good stuff.

5. Santa cokes. I had one today because it's Christmastime and it's required. It was my first regular non-caffeine free coke in 8ish months and it tasted like syrup it was so sweet!

Enjoy your Friday and your weekend!

Weekend Review

Monday, December 7, 2009

What an amazing weekend! On Saturday my parents, grandmother, brother, sister-in-law, and nephew came out for a visit. We had a great time hanging out and catching up. My nephew Carson was very entertained by our Christmas tree and ornaments (I did remember to hang the less fragile and semi-harmless ones towards the bottom) and we were very entertained by him. He is such a ball of energy, but will stop just long enough to sit in someone's lap while they read a book. He is learning to jump and loves to jibber-jabber and has the most gorgeous blond hair. Man, we make some cute kids in my family.

Watching everyone pass Audrey around was so precious. They got such a kick out of every grin and noise she makes...which happened to be a lot on Saturday. She loved the attention and napped long and hard that afternoon! That evening, I snuck away for an hour by myself and got a pedicure. Yay for Mommy time-outs, foot massages, and trashy celebrity magazines!

On Sunday, David and I had an amazing date. His parents came over and kept Audrey while we spent five hours by ourselves (new record)! It started with brunch and a little Christmas shopping. Then we went downtown to the Fox Theater and saw the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. It was a wonderful show and I was so impressed with the flawlessness of the performances. Those Rockettes are in amazing shape (I tried not to spend the entire time coveting their legs) and I can't imagine the hours and hours of rehearsal and training that go into that. The grand finale was a live nativity and it was powerfully beautiful.

After the show, we grabbed some lunch/dinner at Five Guys (What's that you say? My legs will never look like a Rockette's if I eat like that?! Honey, these thunder thighs ain't never gonna be close anyway.) We got home and I scooped up Audrey, who seemed like she barely noticed we were gone. I, on the other hand, had missed her terribly. But of course I'm glad we went. It was so special to spend the time with David doing something we don't normally do and it definitely got us in the Christmas spirit. We spent the rest of the day relaxing just the three of us.

So, this weekend had it all: time with family, time alone, time with just us. We are so looking forward to Christmas when we get to see everyone again (and David takes some time off!)

I'll close with this video of Audrey laughing just in case you have a case of the Mondays. I dare you to watch this thing without smiling. Have a wonderful week!

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, December 3, 2009

1. Snuggle time. On Tuesday, I let Audrey take her morning nap in my arms. She rarely does that anymore, mainly because she gets restless and wants to be put down in her crib. It was cold and rainy outside and we had the Christmas tree lit and carols on the radio. I held her close and savored every moment. When she woke up she got in my face and smiled a huge smile as if to say "Well hey Mommy! You're right here!" Pure bliss.

2. Leftovers! I haven't had to cook in awhile. (Okay, me not cooking isn't really all that out of the ordinary. BUT, we've been eating well and I haven't had to cook it!)

3. Hobby Lobby. Audrey and I took a quick trip over there today. I love their home decor and low prices.

4. Shipping. On two different occasions this week, I have called stores to check whether they had specific products. When they did, I asked if they would ship the items to my house. Both were more than willing to do so at extremely reasonable prices. (One package actually cost less to ship than I would have spent in gas driving to pick up!) It saved me a ton of time, which I'm all about these days. Thank you Pony Express for starting it all!

5. Christmas movies. My favorites are The Grinch (old and new versions), Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life (possibly my favorite movie of all time), Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, White Christmas, A Christmas Story, Elf... You name it, I love it. Even the really cheesy Lifetime Christmas movies. I'll conclude the list with a clip from one of my favorites:

First Comes Love...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

In my doctor's office hangs a poster that reads "Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten." It lists fundamental life lessons such as sharing, cleaning up your own mess, and the importance of naps. It's a cute and insightful collection, but I think it's missing one of the most important things we need to remember - a commonly known rhyme that was often sung on the playground: "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage."

Notice the order: Love, Marriage, Baby.

I think it's worth pointing out that it lists love and marriage separately. Do you remember that feeling you had when you first fell in love? How new and exciting everything was? How you couldn't wait until the next time you talked to him or saw her? How electric the first kiss felt? Everything was fresh and wonderful and fun.

Then comes marriage. Now don't get me wrong or get any rumors started! I have a wonderful marriage and am so very blessed. BUT, sometimes marriage means a mortgage and trash night and laundry. It becomes bogged down with discussions centered around finances and children. You completely forget about that rush you used to feel and instead try to refrain from "accidentally" kicking him when you crawl back in bed after a 3am feeding and he is snoring. Or maybe that's just me. At any rate, it's SO important to remember the love that came first.

So, first love. Then marriage. Then baby. Does this mean Audrey is stuck with leftovers? That she gets less because we try to focus on each other first? No, I believe just the opposite. Sure, she is little and depends on us for everything whereas David and I can fend for ourselves. But, the very best thing we can do for her is to put each other first. If we make sure to prioritize our marriage, it goes a long way in helping to create a loving, peaceful home for her to grow up in.

But how on earth do we do it? With my minimal experience, I'm definitely not the right one to ask. We're so new at this and I know it's going to reach a whole new level of difficulty once sports practices, music lessons, and Room Mom responsibilities are involved. (Not to mention...gulp...if we have another child. But it's still waaay too early to discuss that.) So, I did a little research and reading on the topic. Below I've picked the suggestions I liked the best and coupled them with some of our own tips:
  • Pray for each other. I try to take moments throughout the day to lift David up in prayer. Taking the time to do so reminds me that he is out there working hard to provide for us. His job may not be as glamorous as changing diapers (wink, wink), but it's stressful and he needs God's help to make it through.
  • Date. Try to go out alone together once a week. This frequency is difficult even for us to do, and we have family all around to help out. I can only imagine how hard it is if you live far away from loved ones or trusted babysitters. At the very least, aim for once per month. Put it on the calendar so you'll be more likely to make it happen. If you can't leave the house, try to set up dinner or dessert together after the little ones are in bed. And for pete's sake, try not to talk about the kids...much. Yes, sometimes it's a pain to coordinate feedings/naps, but we're always glad we took the break.
  • Greet each other first. When David comes home from work, it would be easy for him to immediately scoop up Audrey and immerse himself in her adorableness. But instead, he says hello to me first. He takes just a moment to kiss me, ask me about my day, and make me feel noticed. Then, of course, he's all about smothering her with attention.
  • Keep the lines of communication open. We are so guilty of putting Audrey to bed and then vegging out in front of the television. We turn out the lights soon after, exhausted, and I realize I didn't ask him about his important meeting or tell him about my phone conversation with so-and-so. Even if it means the shows stay on our DVR a little longer, it's worth taking ten minutes to have a face-to-face discussion about what's going on in our lives.
  • Hug, kiss, and hold hands in front of the kids. We want AJ to grow up seeing our affection for each other, even when she gets to be a teenager and pretends it grosses her out.
  • Get on the same page as parents. Being that I have one five month old, my experience with this is next to nothing so far. Still, I try to run whatever few decisions we need to make by David, even if I know he's going to default to me about most things at this stage. I think it gets us used to talking about stuff and reaching conclusions together before we implement a plan.
  • Keep pictures of just the two of you around the house. Since AJ is so much cuter than we are, I was tempted to take down all the pictures of David and I and put her cute baby self up everywhere. Of course I replaced quite a few, but I still want her to grow up seeing that Mommy and Daddy were Husband and Wife first who had exciting adventures together. As the comedian Sinbad said "Your parents used to be cool. Then they had you!" She needs to see photographic evidence that we did have lives before she came along!
  • Remember the kids will (hopefully) move out eventually. When you're up to your elbows in...ah-hem...poop and you're nursing seven times a day, it feels like you're never going to be finished with this stage of life. But, from what everyone tells me, it goes by so fast. One day the kids will be grown and gone and it will just be you and your spouse left. Therefore, it's really important to do all that you can to ensure that you still know and like that person.
  • Spend time in God's Word. I confess, I'm horrible at this right now. But, I know from experience that the better my relationship is with God, the better it is with David.
  • Laugh together. Have a sense of humor. Don't take it all so seriously. One of greatest things about parenting so far has been all of the hilarious inside jokes David and I have accumulated. We have laughed until we cried (probably because of the exhaustion) over the past few months and it's amazing how close that makes us feel to each other. Not to mention the stress it relieves!
I want to reiterate that I'm no expert. I cannot tell you how many times I've already screwed this up. Unfortunately, I know it's going to be an ongoing battle. I think a big key is to be aware of where your marriage stands on your list of priorities and whether that is where it needs to be. I happen to know a little rhyme that can help you with that... :)

Please feel free to comment or email me with things you do to try to keep your marriage first. Especially those of you who have a little more experience to offer!

Thanksgiving Weekend

Monday, November 30, 2009

What a great Thanksgiving weekend we had! David got to take Wednesday afternoon through Friday off, so we really enjoyed having him around. (I mean really enjoyed. I am seriously missing his help today!) Instead of waiting until after Thanksgiving, I cheated a little and began putting up Christmas decor on Wednesday. With the amount of stuff I have, it always takes awhile and I knew this year would be even more time consuming than usual. Three days, 26 boxes/rubbermaid containers and three full size trees later, the house was decorated inside and out. It's insane, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoy having my house look like "Christmas threw up in it" as my sweet friend LL says. :)

On Thanksgiving Day, we went to David's grandparents' house in Alabama to have lunch with his mom's side of the family. It was so good to see everyone and watch them interact with Audrey. The food was delicious as usual (David's grandmother makes a huge feast from scratch!) AJ did pretty well with the ride there and back, but she is always happy to get somewhere and get out of that car seat!

On Thursday night, as is our tradition, we decorated our tree while watching the Lighting of the Great Tree on television. AJ really liked all of the colorful lights, but isn't quite sure what to think about this monstrous thing in our living room with stuff hanging all over it. It's great not to have to worry about her messing with it yet, since she is still immobile. I'm sure next year will be interesting!

On Sunday, we went up to David's parents' house and celebrated with his Dad's side of the family. Audrey got to meet one of her great aunts and her second cousins on that side for the first time. More gluttony ensued and it was awesome.

So in summary: Lots of eating, lots of decorating, lots of enjoyable family time. We couldn't have asked for a better first Thanksgiving for Audrey.

Check out the Picasa gallery for pictures. I've posted her Fifth Month's album, an album from our trip to Savannah, one with her professional newborn pictures (finally!), and of course, an album from our Thanksgiving festivities. It took me the better part of two nap times today to get caught up, so enjoy!

Thanksgiving Thursday

Thursday, November 26, 2009

On this, THE BIG Thankful Thursday of the year, I am grateful for so very much. For my Savior, Who loves me more than I will ever know. For my husband and daughter, whom I love more than they will ever know. For our families and friends and all that they mean to us. For our health and our freedom. For a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. For a million other things, both big and small. My cup runneth over.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Road Trip

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We spent the weekend at my brother and sister-in-law's in Savannah and had a wonderful time. We got to check out their new house, which is very close to the beach, so we expect we'll be down again soon! It was adorable to watch AJ with her cousin Annelise, who is 3 months older. They were so cute babbling to each other in their secret baby language.

Annelise has grown so much. We saw her at three weeks and then three months old. Now she is 8 months and such a big girl. She is sitting up, eating solids, has a new tooth, and is only days away from crawling. (She manages to get there when they put an iPhone in front of her!) She is constantly smiling and hams it up for the camera, which made me very happy. Now if only AJ and her Dad were as into getting their pictures taken...

On Saturday we went to the beach at Tybee Island for a little while. It was Audrey's first time seeing the ocean. She almost slept through the whole thing, but I think she was impressed with what she did take in. There were even dolphins swimming through the water to greet her. I can't wait until she can jump waves and build sand castles with me.

Overall, Audrey did great with her first road trip. She had one hysterical pull-off-the-interstate meltdown on the way there and one on the way back, but otherwise she handled the car ride nicely. We were also nervous about how she'd sleep away from home, but she did great. She adapted well (must get that from her father) and was a sweetheart. It felt good to have conquered this milestone and know we can travel with her without major headaches. Although, I do foresee her spending a weekend at the grandparents while Mommy and Daddy take a short vacation on their own sometime. A girl can dream, right?

Pictures to come soon, but here is a sneak preview:

Audrey is not so sure about sharing her monkey with Annelise. We have to work on that!

Thanks again for the food and hospitality, y'all! We enjoyed the visit and can't wait to see you again soon!

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, November 19, 2009

1. My mom. Her birthday is tomorrow and I thought I'd take the opportunity to express my gratitude for her. Now that I'm a mother myself, I can better appreciate all of her hard work. I learned many lessons from her both big (manners) and small (the importance of putting together and making your bed first when you move into a new place.) She instilled in me a love of Christ, reading, and good that order. Oh yeah, and the whole "gave me life" thing. Thank you & Happy Birthday, Mom!

2. A clean car! This week I got my car cleaned inside and out for the first time in almost 5 months. I hesitated to even admit how long it's been because I know how disappointed my dad and brothers will be, but we've had some other priorities lately. :) It looks wonderful and I'm enjoying the lack of strange sticky substances on my console.

3. Sharpie Markers. Regular tip, thin tip, black ink, colored ink - I don't care. They're an organized girl's BFF.

4. Chick-fil-A. I've been feeling a little guilty since I expressed my exhaustion of their cow campaign on a friend's Facebook status, so I thought I'd show them some love. Whether they are in need of new marketing ideas or not, they're still my favorite fast food restaurant. They are an amazing company with outstanding values, business practices, and customer service. Corporate America could use more like them. I love my Christian chicken. As someone once said, I feel a little like I'm tithing every time I eat there (which is A LOT.)

5. David. Yeah, I know he's appeared on the list before, but he's just that awesome. He has always been an amazing husband, but lately he has taken it to a whole new level. Suddenly trash is being emptied without me asking and toys are magically put away at the end of the night. He has even developed a habit of asking if there is anything that I need him to do while I'm nursing Audrey and putting her to bed. The first time he uttered those words, I swear I teared up. Thanks for sharing the load, babe. I couldn't do it without you.

Holiday Entertaining

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A few years ago, a local magazine that David's cousins own asked me a few questions for their piece about holiday entertaining. As the season approaches, I thought it might be helpful to post my responses on here to give you a few tips as you start planning your parties.

What’s the most important thing to keep in mind when planning a party?

The most important things to keep in mind when planning a party are that it doesn’t have to be perfect…and that a little planning and organization goes a long way! When it comes to entertaining, especially during the holidays, people often stress themselves out unnecessarily. For example, every inch of your home does not need to be military-inspection ready! Spend your energy on the important areas – the kitchen, the main room, and the bathrooms – and quit worrying about whether the guestroom closet is clean. To help yourself stay organized, do a complete walk-through in your mind of the entire event, from where to hang coats when guests arrive to having coffee ready to serve with dessert. From there, make checklists and shopping lists and choose a few small extra details to focus on, like special invitations or cute favors, but don’t feel the pressure that everything has to be flawless.

Remember that it all comes down to whether your guests feel comfortable and have a good time in your home. Some of the best parties I’ve been to started with an Evite and included pizza.

If attending a party at someone else’s house, should you take a hostess gift?

It really depends on the event as to whether a hostess gift is appropriate. If it is a casual gathering among close friends, a present is not necessary, especially if you are providing a dish or dessert. If, however, it’s a more formal dinner party or an overnight stay, bringing a gift is fitting. If you are unsure, always err on the side of formality and take something – even if it is totally unexpected, a gift is a good surprise!

It’s important to remember a few things when making your hostess gift selection: Flowers are a nice gesture, but usually just create a hassle for the hostess who has to scramble around to find a vase. Foods such as cheese or candies are usually a safe choice, but make certain the hostess knows they are not expected to be served at the party by saying something like, “this is for you to enjoy later.” CDs and candles are also good ideas, but try to add a personal touch to your present if you can – a monogrammed apron for the cook, a Blockbuster gift card tied to a bag of popcorn for the movie lover, or a personalized tree ornament or picture frame.

How do you recover when things don’t go as planned?

Things never go as planned! Somewhere along the way, big or small, something will happen that you did not anticipate. The key is to preplan as much as possible ahead of time to avoid those surprises (plenty of simple hors devours in case dinner is running late, extra plates and chairs for unexpected guests, a basket of toys or a movie for children that show up at an adult-only party.)

If something still catches you off guard despite your best efforts, keep your cool. One of the quickest ways to ruin a party is for the hostess to let her guests see her get stressed. If dinner is burned, laugh it off and order take-out. If something breaks or someone spills something, be gracious about it and move on. The more relaxed you stay, the more comfortable your guests feel.

What are your biggest etiquette tips when planning a holiday gathering?

To me, consideration is more important than following etiquette. That’s not to say that etiquette and good manners don’t have their place, but they certainly should not be higher priority than making a guest feel welcome. Think about whom you’ve invited and what small things you can do to make them more comfortable.

Remember that people are a lot more forgiving with etiquette mishaps if they feel like your heart is in the right place.

Other tips for Holiday Parties:
  • Because the holiday season is so busy for most people, get your date on their calendars early by sending out invitations six weeks in advance. Make sure that you mention the attire if applicable.
  • If you are concerned about people being too busy, but still want to host a holiday party, consider doing something different like a Saturday brunch or a Sunday afternoon open-house.
  • When deciding on the menu, be sure to have a couple of healthy choices for those trying to stick to their diets during the holidays.
  • Be ready early. Given the choice between perfecting the food layout and drying your hair, choose the latter. You can always add finishing touches once people begin arriving, but there is nothing worse than being in a hurried panic and making your guests feel awkward.
  • Consider keeping your pets locked up during the party in case some guests are allergic or may not be animal lovers.
Enjoy the party!

Thankful Thursday Continued

Friday, November 13, 2009

Since Veteran's Day was this week, I was remiss yesterday in not expressing my appreciation for our troops. My father and both grandfathers are former military and I am so proud of them for their service. Thank you to all the men and women that have served in order to gain and are serving to protect our freedom. God bless you and your families for the sacrifices you are making that I take for granted.

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It has been a very long week in the Sinyard household. As expected, we have all gotten this dreaded cold. I'm running a day behind AJ with it and David is running a day behind me, so hopefully we will all make a complete recovery by Sunday or so.

Since it started, I have learned the very hard truth that Moms never get a sick day. Ever. Laundry still has to be washed, shopping and errands still need to be done, and meals still have to be planned and cooked (even if it is a jar of Prego and a box of spaghetti. If the stove, oven, or microwave are involved, it's cooking.) Nobody cares if you don't feel well, least of all the Baby who is mad because her nose is all stuffy and it is interfering with her ability to eat. Okay, they may care, but not enough to start lactating and take over. Bums.

For those of you that are expecting your first, here is a list of things I'm glad we had on hand this week:
  • A cool mist humidifier for Audrey's room. We bought Crane's elephant version, and have been very pleased with it. It's easy to use and unbelievably quiet.
  • Johnson's Soothing Vapor Bath. It's got rosemary, eucalyptus, and menthol, which helps clear their airways. FYI, it's not recommended for babies under 3 months or those with sensitive skin, asthma, or allergies.
  • Aquaphor. Good for raw skin under their noses and dry skin on their cheeks.
Please pray we make a complete recovery soon and that we stay well for the rest of the winter. I can't imagine how we'd handle it if we got the flu. I hope we don't have to find out!

Here is this week's Thankful Thursday list:

1. YOU! Based on Stat Counter's cookie count, we reached over 500 unique visitors this week and I'm amazed! A little freaked out, since I'm pretty sure I don't even know 500 people, but very amazed. As David pointed out, there are probably a lot of single users using multiple computers in that number (not that you would dare log on at work, right?!) but still. You're reading, and hopefully laughing and praying, right along with us on this incredible journey and we're honored.

2. Afrin nasal spray. It is good stuff. It's also addictive, so I limit myself to nighttime use only for three nights. No problem here. Really. I can stop whenever I want. (*sniff, sniff*)

3. My hairdresser. I have been going to the same lady for years and she is such a sweetheart. She has helped me through blond and multi-layered mishaps and back to my natural color again. She has seen me at my skinniest, my biggest (the day before AJ was born, actually), and every size in between. I'm thankful that every six weeks I get to sit in her chair and take a load and some split-ends off.

4. My Pilgrim salt and pepper shaker set from Publix. I bought them seven years ago and they still make me smile when I pull them out of my Thanksgiving decorations box.

5. Coupon exchanging. A friend of mine suggested we swap coupons since she uses one brand of diapers and I use another. I love opening the mail and finding a sweet note from her with money savings inside!

Contradictions of Parenthood

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Parenthood has brought about many surprises, revelations, and lessons (yes, even our few short months of it). Among them, I've discovered a few contradictions:

1. You gain the ability to multi-tasking like never before, but can also switch that to a laser focused one-track mind. I can successfully nurse Audrey while simultaneously pumping, eating lunch, and checking email. On the other hand, there are moments when I'm holding her and looking into her eyes and the world just stops. Nothing else exists, let alone matters.

2. You either look like death warmed over or you're all decked out. Sometimes I get dolled up and wear heels to the grocery store just to make sure I remember how to walk in them. Other times (read: most of the time), I'm "that woman" who hasn't showered, isn't wearing a stitch of make-up, and is sporting sweatpants from high school that Goodwill would refuse to accept. You know, the woman you try not to make eye contact with because you're embarrassed for her. So, if you see me looking done up at Wal-Mart, don't be impressed. It's probably the only time all week I've simultaneously had my hair fixed, make-up on, and am wearing cute shoes. If I'm in the sweatpants, do us both a favor and just act like you didn't see me.

3. Your level of patience exponentially increases and then nose dives back to zilch depending on the circumstance. I can review colors a thousand times and read books over and over or walk AJ fifty laps around the downstairs when she's crying. I have gotten up every night for months on end and, though I'm tired of it, I'm patient about it. However, when it comes to dealing with other people and situations, I'm less tolerant than I used to be (which really wasn't all that much to begin with.) Red lights - which usually cause her to start crying - drive me nuts and getting stopped by a train can result in breaking out in a sweat. I don't think anyone understands being in a hurry more than a nursing mother. We have carefully timed our outings to avoid meltdowns (hers, not mine) and leaks (mine, not hers) and rarely have a minute to spare. I am a slave to the clock and I expect things and people to be on time moreso than I ever have before. So please...count your items carefully before you get in the express lane in front of me. It would really throw me off schedule to be arrested for indecent exposure at Publix.

4. You grow closer in some relationships and distanced in others. If you have a child under a year old, you're on my speed dial these days. If you don't, chances are I owe you a phone call. Sorry 'bout that.

5. You find yourself wishing time would speed up and then moments later, praying it would slow down. There are moments during my day when I feel like I'm going to be nursing around the clock and changing diapers for the rest of my life. I selfishly wish we could move on to solids, have her potty trained, and sleep through the night. Then suddenly, after a 3am feeding when the house is still and quiet, I'll snuggle her in my arms and realize how she fits differently than she used to. How much heavier she is now than she was a few months ago. How her legs stretch out much longer and her head takes up more space on my shoulder. And I realize that every milestone she reaches means she needs me less...and I ask God to keep her tiny just a little while longer.

Weekend of Firsts

Monday, November 9, 2009

Audrey went to her very first birthday party this weekend. Her little friend Madison, whom she loves to stroll around the mall with, turned one. Audrey was adorable in her party outfit, second only to the birthday girl herself. Despite the party falling during her usual naptime, she was a trooper and loved watching all the festivities. It was a great party and so good to catch up with friends we haven't seen in a while. It won't be long before it's time to start planning Audrey's Big Bash.

Another (not nearly as fun) new experience is that she has her first cold. It is pitiful. Her little nose is running, she's coughing, and she can't breathe all that well, which effects her eating. She doesn't have a fever, thank goodness, so we're holding off on a doctor's appointment. She is still sleeping great and even made it eleven hours straight last night. I thought for sure I'd be up all night with her, so I am so grateful for the rest. Especially since I think David and I are starting to come down with it. At least we can take medicine, unlike her. She just gets a humidifier and extra TLC...and Mommy constantly coming at her with a nasal aspirator, poor thing.

I feel so guilty because I'm sure she got it from nursery on Thursday. She could have gone with me to Bible Study (there is usually at least one infant in there) or stayed at home while her Grandmom kept her, but nooooo. I was determined to put her in the nursery even though one of the workers sounded awful when I dropped her off. I didn’t want to be an overprotective mom and I wanted her to socialize with other babies. Illness is not quite what I had in mind for her to gain from the experience.

SO, I think I've decided that I'm going to have to turn into one of those germaphobic mothers. At least until we get through this nasty flu season. She is too young for a flu shot, but unfortunately not too young for the flu. I don't want to raise a "bubble girl" as David calls it, but I also don't want to risk her getting something and making us sick, especially as we head into the holidays. I know kids get sick, but she is still so little and defenseless. She puts everything in her mouth, including her hands, which everyone is determined to touch. I didn't realize this until I became a mom, but now I know: unless you are family and/or have JUST scrubbed in surgery-style, you really don't need to be touching babies' hands. My apologies to the parents of little ones that I came into contact with before I knew this.

Anyway, who knows when we'll brave public nursery again. We miss church, but it's just not worth feeling miserable, losing sleep, and being stuck in the house with her all week. Or, worse yet, the chance of her catching something serious at such a young age. There will come a time that we can get back into the swing of things and this awful H1N1 calms down, but until then, we may be attending Bedside Baptist Church for awhile.

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's been a busy week, and I can't believe it's already Thursday. I spent most of Monday in the kitchen cooking for a friend who just had a baby. I got to go visit with her and her brood of now three kids (I cannot even imagine) for a little while that afternoon, which was great. I have no idea where Tuesday went, but I vaguely recall packing up Halloween decorations, putting out Thanksgiving ones, and going to Target. Wednesday was more errands including the Post Office, grocery store, tailor (again), and doctor's office. Today was Bible Study, drug store, bank, and dry cleaners. I feel like I spent my week in the car...and I haven't even started driving AJ to practices or friends' houses yet!

Anyway, here is my list for the week:

1. My brother and sister-in-law's safety. They were in a car accident on Wednesday and no one was hurt, nor was my nephew in the car. It could have ended very differently and I'm so grateful God was watching out for them!

2. Audrey's good report at the orthopedist! The doctor said her feet will turn in on their own when they're good and ready. I asked if the fact that we let her sleep on her stomach was making it worse and she assured me that it wasn't. I also asked if it would delay her crawling or walking and she said no. In fact, she told us that AJ may start to walk earlier because of it (better balance, I guess!) Thank you, Lord!

3. Electric mixers...and everything else that makes my job as a stay-at-home mom and housewife easier. I made a pound cake on Monday (which I still contest was a little off, AP, so I'm going to make you another one sometime) and was thinking about how awful it would be to have to do all that mixing by hand!

4. The book "When Everything Changed" by Gail Collins. It's the history of American women from the 1960s to the present and it is fascinating. It makes me feel smart just having it on my nightstand. I haven't gotten very far, but I've read enough to appreciate just how much progress women have made and be glad that I have the choice to stay at home. I hope to write a little more about it once I'm done. It may take me a whole year to finish, but I'll get there!

5. Two hours alone. I was able to slip out tonight while David kept AJ (remember: it's not called babysitting when the dad keeps the kids. It's called parenting.) I went to Wolf Camera and then moseyed around Target for over an hour. It was UH-mazing. I had so much fun picking out Christmas presents for my niece and nephew, buying greeting cards that I actually took the time to read first, and even dawdled in the cleaning supply aisle. Awesome.

Halloween pictures are up in the Picasa Gallery. Have a great Friday & weekend!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In case you needed a laugh today...

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My list is short & sweet this week: I am thankful to have my husband home (it's like a dadgum vacation around here to have an extra set of helping hands) and I am thankful for Audrey's good report at her 4 month check-up this week.

I would like to ask you all to pray for her little feet. Her pediatrician referred us to an orthopedist because he was concerned about how turned out they are. They think the way she was laying in the womb caused it. We're just praying that it will eventually work itself out once she begins to walk or that it will be an easy fix. I'll post an update after her appointment next week.

Have a great weekend and a Happy Halloween!

David's Trip

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

On October 5th, David left to go to Norway on business for 18 days. This may not seem like a long time to some of you, but any stay-at-home mom knows that sometimes 6 o’clock takes an eternity to arrive, so going weeks without your spouse seems impossible. I know single moms and military wives do it every day. As I’ve said before, my heart goes out to them. They are amazingly strong women who deserve our admiration. I, on the other hand, am a total wuss. I need him, especially now that I’m in charge of this little one who depends on me for everything. It’s not meant to be done alone, I didn’t sign up for single parenthood, and I hate when we have to go through this.

I decided to write a little about each day that he was gone. The account that follows is sometimes funny, sometimes sappy, and usually overdramatic, but such is life with an ocean between me and my BFFABD (Best Friend Forever & Baby’s Daddy).


We’ve had a good weekend, but feel like tomorrow’s departure is just looming over us. We met David’s parents for lunch today and Audrey was the best behaved (and cutest) child in the whole restaurant, though I’m not sure how much the behavioral part is saying these days.

We came home and vegged out for the rest of the afternoon. We gave her a bath and went through our typical nighttime routine, knowing it would be the last with all three of us for too long.

I got the gun out after she went down and familiarized myself with it again. On the one hand, I’m so glad we have it and it makes me feel safe. On the other, I hate it because it makes me think about all of the horrific things that could happen that would make me have to use it. (This would be a good time to warn all of you to never, ever surprise me when I’m home alone. I hate surprises in general, but that situation would end badly for you too.)

Audrey slept pretty well, only getting up once. Unfortunately, neither David or I can say the same. Stupid trip.

Day 1

David stayed home until about noon today. He had planned on staying a little longer, but had to go into work to pack up some parts they realized they needed. (He got a call on Saturday from the guy already over there. How aggravating to deal with that while trying to soak up some quality family time before leaving for 3 weeks.)

The goodbye was awful. Even though I feel more capable of handling things than when he went to Europe 9 weeks ago, the length of this trip keeps getting me down. We put Audrey in her crib for a nap and then took a minute to say goodbye to each other. We hugged until the last possible second and then I stood at the door and waved until I couldn’t see his car anymore. Then I went upstairs to redo my make-up. (Why did I even bother? Oh yeah. Because I didn’t want David’s last memory of me for three weeks to be of me looking like the exhausted sack of potatoes I feel like.)

I got ready for my dentist appointment and met David’s mom at the mall to leave Audrey with her while I went for my cleaning. After a good report (and a great visit with the hygienist. She is so sweet and I’ll do anything for adult conversation these days!) I went to go get AJ. We ran into Target and then headed home. She fell asleep on the ride home and stayed asleep just long enough for me to scarf down dinner. The rest of the evening was pretty routine, but all I kept thinking was “I have at least 17 more nights of doing this alone.”

She went to bed around 9:15 and, despite the house being a wreck and the fact that I haven’t even started my Bible study homework for the week, I folded a load of laundry, wrote this, and am now forcing myself to go to bed. Praying she sleeps through the night tonight!

Day 2

Audrey only woke up once last night, so that was nice. We started the day with a trip to Target and the local baby store for a weight check. She has only gained 4 ounces in a week, which has me worried (6-8 ounces a week is average for her age.) Since I’ve only started to take measures to increase my supply this past week, I’m going to give it some more time and check again next Tuesday. I hated not being able to call David and have him reassure me. There are two things that keep a worrywart, OCD, type-A personality grounded: a calm, gentle, type-B husband and prayer. So, I’ve been doing a whole lot of the latter today since the former isn’t so accessible.

The good news is I think I’ve found something to keep Audrey’s arms and legs from getting stuck in between the crib slats. It’s called “Breathable Bumper” and it’s basically a mesh netting bumper. Since I have a tummy sleeper, I think it’s especially important to follow the recommendation of removing the bumper so she doesn’t get her face mashed against it and risk suffocation. However, without a bumper, her arms and legs find their way through the gaps in the slats. Enter the Breathable Bumper. We’ll see how it goes!

After running a few more errands, we returned home. She napped pretty well today, so I got a lot done. I have been putting stuff off the past week to soak up every minute with David and it’s starting to pile up and drive me crazy! I did some major cleaning, washed three loads of laundry, paid bills, organized coupons, worked on my Bible study homework, and did some filing. We even got to talk to David for a minute with our webcam. Audrey didn’t seem too impressed because the picture isn’t all that clear and so she didn’t recognize it was Daddy. David loved seeing her, though, and said he was sure she’d already grown in the 27 hours since he’d left.

All of that kept me plenty busy and before I knew it, it was dinner time. Somehow the hours seem to creep by after then, though. The entire day is not as long as the period between 6pm and 9pm! Finally off to bed now. Maybe tonight will be a straight-through…

Day 3

Last night was not a straight-through. Nor was the Breathable Bumper a complete success. When she woke up hungry, I went in to find her arm had gotten stuck down in between the mattress and the crib. The gap is so small I didn’t even know that was possible! I had the mattress pushed as tightly as possible up against the front and her arm was stuck in the back, so I shifted it and when I went in this morning, she was fine. Hopefully that will solve our problem.

She woke up an hour and a half early this morning. I don’t like days like that. I would almost rather her get up twice in the middle of the night so I can put her back down after the second feeding and we can stay on schedule. But, she didn’t ask me my preference. So, we started the day. We ran errands, finished cleaning house, talked to David on webcam, had bath time, and played our hearts out. I even got another little LOL from her today! I didn’t get the nap in that I wanted to, but there is always tomorrow.

Day 4

Today was good. We had Bible Study this morning and then went shopping for a birthday present for my father-in-law. We came home and spent the afternoon eating, sleeping (her, not me. I wish I could nap as easily as she does!), playing, and talking to David on the webcam. We ran out to Party City and Chick-fil-A around dinnertime, then came home and spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to rig her crib mattress so she doesn’t get her arm stuck anymore. David would have taken half the time to do it and it would work twice as well. I miss him.

Day 5

We started out this morning with a trip to the tailor, Target, and the post office. I’ve found that if I go out first thing in the morning, it prevents me from getting myself stuck in the house all day and almost guarantees a better afternoon nap for Audrey.

Tonight David’s parents came over and kept her while I met up with a girlfriend for dinner. Other than Bible study, it’s the first break I’ve had since he left and it was very much needed. It’s harder to go off by myself when he isn’t here, though. It’s as if I feel like I’m all she’s got and I don’t want her to think we’ve both left. Not that David left, but of course she doesn’t understand that. She was obviously in good hands, though, and had a great time looking at faces other than mine, I’m sure. I’m so incredibly thankful for such helpful in-laws!

Day 6

What a morning. Waking up to feed Audrey aside, I haven’t been sleeping well at night at all and it’s horrible. I’ve never slept well when David is away, but these days it’s a whole new level of nervousness/bad dreams/freaking out. I had some nightmares last night that would make the writers of Bones sleep with the lights on.

Anyway, dawn finally broke and, relieved, I went in to get Audrey. When I picked her up, both she and her sheets were soaking wet. Apparently her diaper couldn’t hold the flow she brought on last night. She was a sticky, smelly mess so after I fed her, I had to give her a bath (which I just did yesterday.) As soon as I sat her down in her tub, she peed in it. Now I’m sure this has happened before, but something about actually knowing this time – I just couldn’t bathe her in pee-pee water. So, out with the baby, out with the bath water, in with the fresh bath water, in with the now chilly and aggravated baby.

I rushed around and got us both ready and out the door to head to a local craft open house in a nearby town. I thought it would be something fun and different without the major crowds of a festival. I was excited about finding a unique Christmas gift or two. Didn’t happen.

It was grossly over-promoted. They had two tables set up outside this tiny old house and the inside of the house had very little. We were in and out in under ten minutes, if that is any indication as to how little there was to see. Hoping to salvage the trip out, we stopped by a huge moving sale on the way home to look around. They didn’t have anything we couldn’t live without either. So, we drove the 15 minutes back to the house and she cried (hard) the entire way. Fortunately, that wore her out and once we got home she slept for 45 minutes while I changed her sheets, started laundry, and took a shower. After she woke up and ate, we talked to David for a little while on the webcam. He is working weekends over there, too, so he was just getting in from a full day’s work.

The rest of the day was pretty slow. We went out to Hobby Lobby (which makes the 10th store where I’ve shopped for Halloween Party decorations: Michael’s, Party City, Dollar Tree, Hallmark, JoAnn’s, Old Time Pottery, Kohl’s, Wal-Mart, and four different Targets. Not to mention the websites. Yeah, I get a little obsessive about event planning.)

We came home and ticked off the minutes until bedtime when I snuggled up alone and watched an awesome episode of Brothers & Sisters. Man, I miss him. We’re one third of the way through. 12 days left…

Day 7

Last night was a rough night. When I crawled back into bed at 6am, I turned off my “church” alarm that was set for 7:15. The extra hour and 15 minutes just meant too much to me. So, at 8:30, we got up, ate, and went for a 3 mile walk at the local park. The weather was awesome and I wish the days would stay as cool as they start off. I know I’ll be longing for the 80s when the highs are in the 30s, but I’m so ready for fall weather to get here and stay.

After our walk, we went to the grocery store then back home to shower, eat, play, and talk to David on webcam. I’m so glad we got those for this trip. Even though Audrey doesn’t show a lot of interest in the computer screen, she at least gets to hear his voice. And I love seeing him and connecting live like that. Not to mention we won’t rack up the huge phone bill we did while he was in Europe. Granted, the company pays for it, but I can’t imagine they were too happy with that one. Oh well – they shouldn’t be surprised since he was leaving his newborn daughter behind. Of course I had to call 7 times a day and share every single moment he was missing.

This afternoon Audrey’s face broke out into a rough looking rash. She’s had bumps for a little over a week now, but I attributed it to all the drool she has going on these days. Today after her nap, though, it looked much worse. I took a picture and emailed it to Holly (our friend that’s a pediatric nurse practitioner.) She says she thinks it’s baby eczema. It’s unsightly, but not harmful. She advised us to use Aquaphor and talk to the doctor about it at our next appointment.

So, tonight we took off to Wal-Mart for some Aquaphor. Come to find out later I had some already, but no matter. I needed to load up on supplies for my latest undertaking for our Halloween party. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but I’ll take pictures and share if/when the project is successful.

We got home, had dinner, and then I spent the rest of the evening worrying and praying. I’ll spare you graphic details, but Audrey had a diaper that caused me some concern (i.e. diarrhea.) I took her temperature and it was a little high. I didn’t freak or give her Tylenol, because I didn’t think it quite warranted that. She was eating well and acting just fine, so I gave her a bath and then we played. There were no more diaper scares (and she had two wet ones in two hours so I didn’t fear dehydration) and she felt fine, so I fed her and put her down as usual. My plan is to check her temp again when she gets up in the middle of the night. This is when I really wish David was here. I need someone else to run decisions by and reassure me. Stupid Norway.

Day 8

Our night went very well, thank the Lord. When I went in to feed AJ, she felt fine and ate great. She woke up again around 6am, but I think it was just because she was bumping against the crib rails. I went in and moved her and she fell back asleep until about 8:15.

We got up, ate breakfast, and got ready to meet a friend and her infant daughter for lunch and some mall walking. The rain was pouring down when we left, but I was determined to get us out of the house for a little while. Audrey started crying as we were getting off the interstate exit and worked herself up pretty good by the time I found a parking space. I opened the back door to get her out and she was drenched in sweat. It was actually beaded up on her bright red forehead! It scared me to death and I couldn’t get her out of the car seat fast enough. As soon as I picked her up, she stopped crying and calmed down. I stood outside with her under the umbrella trying to cool her off while the stroller got soaking wet. By the time we got inside and I got her changed, she was fine. I had no idea she could get herself that upset in that short amount of time! Where did she get that temper?! :)

Thankfully she was great the rest of our time there and I had a wonderful visit with my friend. She and I met at church and ended up taking our birthing classes together. Her daughter is three weeks older than Audrey, so we’ve been able to do quite a bit of note comparing. We came home, talked to David, and spent the rest of the day in the dry house.

Day 9 – Halfway there!!!

Today was weight-check day. Audrey had lost an ounce. I’m frustrated and worried and going to take her to the doctor for an official weight check tomorrow. I really just want them to give me the green light on rice cereal, even if she is still a week shy of her 4 month birthday. I have a MKB (Momma Knows Best) feeling that she needs it. Perhaps it’s the fact that she hasn’t slept through the night in over a month now because she wakes up starving.

I know an ounce isn’t much, but it’s the loss that worries me. It was more of a 7 to 8 ounce (or half a pound – which is a lot when you only weight 14) deficit because she didn’t GAIN. Even if she is 14 lbs, that doesn’t mean it’s okay for her to stop gaining! We want to keep those precious rolls!

David’s parents came over tonight, which offered a good distraction and some nice company. We celebrated Ed’s birthday and he got the best present he could ask for – AJ laughed out loud for them a couple of times. That is truly the sweetest sound on earth.

Day 10

We went to the doctor this morning and they told me what I knew they would: not to worry, that her overall weight gain is fine. They said they wanted to hold off a couple more weeks and we’d discuss the rice cereal at her 4 month check-up. That’s fine – I’ll compromise and wait until then, but she’s getting it after that check-up, despite what they tell me. They said her face rash (forgot to mention that was the other reason I took her in) was partly because of her drooling and partly a “contact” rash. We haven’t changed detergents, soaps, or lotions so I’m not sure what it’s from. I think it’s probably “contact” with her drooly, soppy sheet all night.

We came home and I gave her a bath to wash the doctor’s office germs off of her. My mom came over and hung out for the afternoon, which Audrey got a kick out of. She loved having the undivided attention and a different face to look at.

After Mom left, I waited around on the service guy that was coming over to work on something at the house. He was supposed to arrive between 2pm and 4pm, but didn’t show up until 4:30. It took forever but hilariously, I found myself just happy to have another adult in the house. I was tempted to invite him to stay for dinner so I could have the company! :) I told David not to worry, he wasn’t my type. However, the Sears guy comes to look at the dryer on Friday, so hurry home, honey…

Day 11 – One week to go!!!

Last night was a rough one, with AJ waking up twice to eat. (Does anyone else notice that rice and twice rhyme? Coincidence or just another sign the girl needs some more calories?) I’ve decided that the rule is if she wakes up twice, we don’t get up early to go to church or Bible study. That extra hour of sleep just becomes too precious. SO, I missed Bible study this morning, which was awful. I really love having that time with those women and am sad we didn’t go today.

Nonetheless, once we were up, I wanted to get us out of the house. It was a rainy, cool morning so exercising outside, though definitely needed, was not going to happen. So, we went to the tailor to pick up my pants and to Target and Wal-Mart for more Halloween party supplies. I’m desperately hoping David makes it home in time for this party! I would consider canceling it if it wasn’t keeping me so busy while he is away.

We spent the rest of the afternoon indoors and then headed out this evening for a quick walk at the park in between rain showers. As we drove over, though, it began sprinkling again so we canceled that plan and headed back home. The evening went by relatively quickly, thanks to my latest project of organizing AJ’s closet. It definitely eats up time trying to entertain her while washing, drying, sorting, hanging, and packing up.

Day 12

The Sears guy was due to come by and fix the dryer today. They gave me a lovely 8-5 window (seriously?!) and he showed up around 1:00pm. We have had problems with this dryer on and off since the day it was delivered about a year and a half ago. After the first year of problems, we bought the extended warranty. Like I said on Facebook: I rue the day I bought this Kenmore dryer from the Sears outlet. That's right, I RUE it. And you don't just toss around "rues" unless you really, really mean them.

Anyway, I went in and pounded it into submission last night and it started working correctly. (My fix-it style is much like the Fonz’s. Yes, I’m old enough to remember Happy Days. Or reruns, at least.) I decided to keep the appointment anyway, just in case it started acting up again. It didn’t, of course…even when I went in and pounded on it again trying to recreate the problem. No such luck – only really sore fists.

We ended up staying in all day today, so when Ed and Pam came over this evening to keep Audrey while I went out, I was more than ready for the break. I started out at Home Depot to get some pine straw for the yard and a corn stalk for the party décor. Pine straw – check. Corn stalk – looked pathetic. So, after I went to Party City and the Chick-fil-A drive through for dinner, I went to another nearby Home Depot and got a slightly better looking corn stalk. Then I hit the Dollar Store, DSW, and Barnes and Noble. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in 2 hours when you’re not lugging a baby in and out of the car! I came home and worked a little more on her closet while her grandparents entertained her (or rather, she entertained them!) I keep thinking that this time next week, David will be home with us! Here’s hoping for sweet dreams about that…

Day 13

I got a great night’s sleep last night, with Audrey only waking once around 4:30am to eat. That means I got about five consecutive hours followed by three more hours, which rarely happens. Maybe that’s part of what prompted me to go for it and participate in a 5K today!

That’s right - Audrey did her first 5K this morning!!! I read about it last week and honestly didn’t think we’d go. It was to raise money for breast cancer awareness, which of course is a great cause, but I just didn’t know if I could swing it with AJ. When I got up this morning I decided it was chilly, but totally doable given the time and location. So, I bundled her up and we drove to downtown Lawrenceville. She was such a hit! They didn’t allow strollers so I strapped her to me in the Bjorn carrier and everyone just raved about her. She even got her picture taken for the local paper…we’ll see if she makes it in!

Right before the race I met a really sweet woman named Sharon that asked if she could walk with me since we were by both ourselves. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in June - funny how it was one of the best months of our lives while others were having their worst. Even though she had been in great health, she decided to get more serious about exercising and today was her first 5K. It was such an inspiration to hear her story. She has had two surgeries and starts radiation next month. She made me realize how much I take my health for granted and I was so thankful God allowed our paths to cross.

It started to sprinkle during mile two, but at that point it was closer to keep going than to turn back. Audrey had fallen asleep almost as soon as we crossed the start line, so she didn’t complain. Her hands and face were a little chilly and wet when we finished, but she was otherwise fine. We walked the whole way and were slow, but we DID it! I got her home and in a warm bath and we’ve spent the rest of the day eating/sleeping (her) and popping Advil (me - I was so busy worried about keeping her warm and whether she’d manage okay that I kind of forgot it takes a lot of effort to walk 3.2 miles with a baby strapped to you.) Totally worth it, though.

Day 14

We skipped church today again. No excuses, just tired. I met a girlfriend for lunch while David’s parents kept Audrey. It was great to see her and catch up. I came home to a freshly cut yard (thanks, Ed!) and an unusually fussy baby. I think she was just tired and having a little tummy trouble, because after she slept and messed a few diapers, she was fine. During her nap I laid some pine straw and sprayed some weeds, which felt odd in the 50 degree temps.

I miss David. And not just for the yard work help. I miss his hugs and his humor. I miss seeing his toothbrush and razor in our bathroom. I miss his dimple. I miss sticking my cold feet on him at night and him trying hard not to mind. It’s been way too long and I’m so ready for him to be home.

Day 15

Not much time to write today and not much to write about. We went to Staples and Wal-Mart this morning and then Publix this evening. I already did a post about today being the one year anniversary of when we found out we were expecting. I wish David was here to reminisce with me! I’m starting to get used to him being gone, which I hate. I know it’s been way too long of a business trip when I reach that point.

Day 16

Well, it doesn’t look like David is going to be home on Thursday night. The most frustrating part is that we don’t know WHEN he’ll be home. It could be this weekend, it could be the end of next week. I need a countdown, people. I’m a countdown kinda girl. I need to know there is an end in sight and work towards it!

After a lot of dithering, we decided to move the Halloween party to next Saturday. A couple of people aren’t going to be able to make it, but I had to trade having David here for them.

Tonight I went out for our small group’s Ladies’ Night Out. We ate at an over-priced restaurant with sub-par Italian food (Totally my fault since I plan these events. Sorry to those of you who liked it, but I was not a fan.) Despite that, the company and conversation were great. I loved getting a break for a little while and being able to laugh and catch-up with such sweet friends.

I’d close with a count down, but the whole not knowing kinda prevents that. Yeah, I’m bitter.

Day 17

There is one thing I’ve noticed lately about Audrey waking up at night that cracks me up. She seems so hungry, she’ll “hunt” and snort like a little piggy. It’s hilarious! She doesn’t even bother to open her eyes, which kind of hurts my feelings. It’s as if she’ll take a meal from anyone at that point, which I’m sure she would. I wish she’d be slightly more discriminating and at least peek to make sure it’s mommy. Oh well.

Today was an uneventful one. We ran some errands this morning and spent the rest of the day tidying up the house and doing things for the Halloween party. Even though I now have an extra week, I don’t want to take time away from the three of us by working on it later.

Day 18

I made it to Bible study this morning, which was awesome. I had quite the “ah-ha” moment about something we were discussing and wrote a post about it.

David’s mom and grandmother came over to keep Audrey while I was out. I didn’t want to put her in the nursery since she has her four month check-up with shots on Monday. I didn’t want to take the risk of getting her sick before that.

David was supposed to be coming home today, and we still don’t know for sure when he’ll make it back. It’s looking like it could be this weekend, but we’re both trying not to get our hopes up. I just keep praying hard that it’ll be soon!

Day 19

First things first: David is coming home TOMORROW!!! He flew from Tromso to Oslo today and will leave there in the morning (our midnight) for Denmark. From Denmark he’ll fly to Atlanta and, Lord willing, land around 3:30pm our time tomorrow.

We started the day with a trip to Target and Wolf Camera…two very happy places. I came home, showered, fed Audrey, and we played. We talked to David for just a minute on the webcam…hopefully our last use of it for a while!

Audrey woke up three times last night, so I did not feel guilty at all for lying down and taking an hour long nap this afternoon while she was sleeping. It felt quite indulgent!

Tonight I plan on going to pick up pictures at Wolf, giving AJ a bath, and watching the final episode of Brothers and Sisters Season 3. Our DVR is incredibly full since I’m waiting to watch our usual shows with David. Of course, they’ll have to wait a little longer as we catch up with each other for a few days before we start vegging in front of the TV.

I think the first couple of days after David leaves and the last couple days before he comes home are the hardest. They just seem to stretch out f-o-r-e-v-e-r! Counting down the hours now…

Day 20 – One day shy of tying the record for our longest time apart since we started dating 9 ½ years ago.

Last night was another really rough night. The last two have by far been the worst since he left. I talked to him at 2am and 4:30am while he was on layover in Denmark. Trying to be encouraging he said, “Maybe you can get some more rest when I can back.” “Oh!” I said, sarcastically excited. “Did you start lactating while you were gone?” Sadly, his answer was no.

I do think he may have to give her a bottle for a night or two, because I’m about to hit a wall. I keep thinking just a little longer until we start rice cereal, but truthfully, I’m not sure I can make it like this for another week or so.

Anyway, the important thing is he is coming home today! Audrey and I are heading to the grocery store to pick up stuff to make his favorite meal. I’m so excited!!!

Day 20, Evening: David is home. Audrey and I are thrilled! It feels soooo good to have him here. We made it – we survived! All is right again. Thank you, Lord, for bringing us back together safely. Goodnight!